[Tutor] how do i use p2exe

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Sun Nov 14 18:14:38 CET 2004

Jacob S. wrote:
> Okay,
> I see what's wrong with my code. First, to Kent, what's wrong with trying to
> automate py2exe? 

In principle, nothing at all. But when the automation is broken it's not 
too helpful :-)

Dick was having trouble with something that should be pretty basic. He 
wasn't getting any help. I don't know py2exe or distutils but I was 
willing to give it a shot. So going back to basics seemed like a good 
approach - I wanted to address the fundamental problem, not figure out 
what your script was doing. Once Dick has that working he can come back 
to your script with better understanding.


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