[Tutor] Highlighting instructions: pedagogical preferences

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Mon Apr 25 19:49:50 CEST 2005

André Roberge wrote:
> I'm writing a program "interpreter" which has two windows: a program 
> editing window and a program output window.
> The interpreter can either step through the program automatically, at a 
> slow pace, or step through the program one instruction at a time, as the 
> user "clicks" on a "step button".
> The instructions being executed are highlighted one by one.
> Question: should the highlighted instruction be the one that has just 
> been executed, or the one that is about to be executed (when the user 
> clicks on the step button, for example)?
> At present, I have implemented the second method.  I'm wondering if 
> that's the best choice.

The second choice is typical for debuggers.


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