[Tutor] Highlighting instructions: pedagogical preferences

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Mon Apr 25 21:37:29 CEST 2005

> Question: should the highlighted instruction be the one that has
> been executed, or the one that is about to be executed (when the
> clicks on the step button, for example)?

Its conventional to take the second option - it allows the student
to examine the highlighted line before it operates. The alternative
could be confusing if, for example you jump into a function.

> P.S.  Btw, this program is part of a python tutorial I am writing -
> hence the relevance to this list :-)

I thought about trying to use JavaScript to do  the same in my web
tutor but gave up because browser support was too patchy. But I do
think it's a good idea. Have you seen the Tcl tutor that you can
download, it has 3 levels and is very good IMHO.

Alan G.

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