[Tutor] Help needed with script to batch-create shapefiles

Chris Bromley lgxjcb at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Feb 17 17:05:58 CET 2005

Hello again,

First off, please accept my apologies for my last message, which was sorely=
 lacking in the detail department. I'm such a beginner with programming tha=
t I assumed the error would be glaringly obvious to an experienced programm=
er and would jump of the page/screen right away. This wasn't the case, thou=

Second, thanks to everyone who did reply, despite the absence of detail, an=
d the info. I got from these enable me to modify the script a little and al=
so get more information about what might be going wrong.

So, to start again, and with much more detail...=20=20

I have several thousand files of x,y,z coordinates in dBaseIV format (.dbf =
file extension) that I am trying to convert into shapefiles in order to be =
able to perform cut/fill analyses in ArcGIS 9.0. I am thus trying to automa=
te this conversion using a Python script (in Python 2.1). I=92ve taken as m=
y starting point the batch clip tool that can be found at:=20


and have tried to modify it to suit my purpose. I have replaced the clip to=
ol with the Make XY Event Layer tool (from the the Data Management Tools to=
olbox), in order to create an xy Layer from the .dbf files, and with the Fe=
ature class to Shapefile (multiple) tool (from the Conversion Tools toolbox=
) in order to turn this xy layer into a shapefile. The full script as I hav=
e modified it is below.

Prior to running the script I use the =91check=92 button in the PythonWin a=
nd the script=92s syntax is fine. When I run the script though, the message=

=91Script =91C:\ dBase_File_To_Shapefile.py=92 returned exit code 0=92=20=

appears in the status bar at the bottom of the PythonWin window. The follow=
ing text also appears in the Interactive window=85

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\dBase_File_To_Shapefile2.py", line 37, in ?
    GP.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(outxyLayer, outputShapefiles)
  File "", line 2, in FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion
com_error: (-2147467259, 'Unspecified error', None, None)
Executing: FeatureClassToShapefile C:/xyLayerFiles/R302190.dbf C:\Shapefile=
s C:\Shapefiles
Start Time: Thu Feb 17 14:23:09 2005
Running script FeatureClassToShapefile...
Error in script FeatureClassToShapefile.
Error in executing: cmd.exe /C C:\PROGRA~1\ArcGIS\ARCTOO~1\Scripts\FEATUR~1=
.PY  "C:/xyLayerFiles/R302190.dbf" "C:\Shapefiles" "C:\Shapefiles"

Failed to execute (FeatureClassToShapefile).
End Time: Thu Feb 17 14:23:10 2005 (Elapsed Time: 1.00 secs)

What I think my code should be doing is using the .dbf files from the "C:/O=
ne" folder, storing the xy layer files in the "C:/xyLayerFiles" folder and,=
 finally, storing the shapefiles in the "C:/Shapefiles" folder. After I've =
run the code, however, there is nothing in either of the latter two folders=

One possibilty is that there is a problem with the way that I am passing th=
e input and output variables from the first toolbox command to the second, =
and perhaps also with the way that these variable are, or are not, being sa=
ved in the folders in which I think they should be saved.

Another possibility is that all the slashes in the workspace paths in the c=
ode are forward slashes, whereas all paths appear with back slashes in the =
address bar in my computer. However, if I try changing the forward slashes =
to back slashes in the code I get a warning about syntax when I use the 'ch=
eck' button.=20=20

I=92ve been trying to automate this conversion process since Monday of this=
 week and it is beginning to drive me insane!


Chris Bromley.

Here is the script as I have modified it:

#Import standard library modules
import win32com.client, sys, os

#Create the Geoprocessor object
GP =3D win32com.client.Dispatch("esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1")

import traceback

#Set the input workspace
GP.workspace =3D "C:/One"

#Set the xyLayer output workspace
xyLayerFiles =3D "C:/xyLayerFiles"

#Set the shapefile output workspace
outputShapefiles =3D "C:/Shapefiles"

    # Load required toolboxes...=20=20=20=20
   GP.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Data       M=
anagement Tools.tbx")
    GP.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Conversion =
    #Get a list of dBase files in the input folder
    fcs =3D GP.ListTables("*","dBASE")

    #Loop through the list of dBase files
    fc =3D fcs.Next()

       while fc:
           # Set the outputname for each output to be the same as the input.
           outxyLayer =3D xyLayerFiles + "/" + fc

           #Convert each dBase table in the list into an xyLayer.
           GP.MakeXYEventLayer_management(fc, "X", "Y", outxyLayer, "")
           #Convert each xyLayer into a shapefile
           GP.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(outxyLayer, outputShapefil=
           #Move to the next fc in the list.
           fc =3D fcs.Next()

    # If an error occurred print the message to the screen
    print GP.GetMessages()

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