[Tutor] Program to lock folders under win32

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu May 26 21:45:08 CEST 2005

On Thu, 26 May 2005, Mark Kels wrote:

> I want to make a program to lock folders (so the user can only access
> them if he knows the password) under win32, the only problem is that I
> have no idea how to start or what to do. Do you guys have any ideas of
> how to do it?

Hi Mark,

Out of curiosity, are you looking for something out-of-the-box, or are you
trying to develop a system just to learn more about it?  I ask this
because I'm sure something's out there that does this already, such as the
frontends for the GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) program:


Also, this sounds a bit specific to the particular operating system you're
using, and I'm not sure if we can answer your question well here on Tutor.
You might want to bring up your question on the python-win32 list:


Hmmm, but I'll try thinking of random possibilities.  *grin*

You could probably do something that ties into the File Explorer, like the
TortoiseSVN extension, and there's probably hooks that can be manipulated
with Python, but I'm don't have enough experience with the win32api to
know what to look at.  The folks on the win32 list should be better
equipped to help you if you go this route.

One easier alternative might be to use a WebDAV server, since Windows can
talk with WebDAV, and I believe it should be passwordable without much
trouble.  There are WebDAV servers written in Python, so you can probably
take one of those and extend it to your needs.

Best of wishes!

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