[Tutor] Pyexe

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at freenet.co.uk
Sat Mar 4 14:28:57 CET 2006

> Hello, Call me a complete n00b but i dont understand
> how to get Pyexe to work,

That's probably because py2exe isn't really aimed at beginners. 
Its moderately complex to use. That's because most programmers 
don't need it.

> Iv read the site and kinda just confuses me, as you
> can prolly tell im still pretty new to programming,
> What exactly do i have to do with pyexe to make python
> scripts exacutables.

To make a script executable you just need to make it readable 
and then double click on it./ Windows will find the python 
interpreter and execute the script for you. No need for py2exe.
You only need py2exe if you really need to create a standalone 
exe file that yoiu can distribute without the need for python to 
be installed. The result will be a largish file incorporating the 
python interpreter and all your modules in a single file.

If you really need that then you will need to tell us what you are
doing with py2exe, where it seems to be going wrong and then 
someone can provide an answer...

Alan G
Author of the learn to program web tutor

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