[Tutor] OT: Vim was: free IDE for Python?

Chris Lasher chris.lasher at gmail.com
Sat Nov 18 16:00:54 CET 2006

On 11/17/06, Mike Hansen <Mike.Hansen at atmel.com> wrote:
> Here's what I'm doing. Not sure if it's that helpful to you.
> I use the mini-buffer explorer plug-in and the taglist plugin.
> set smartindent
> " shuts off the annoying "#" comment in smartindent to jump to col 1
> inoremap # X<c-h>#
> autocmd BufRead *.py set smartindent
> cinwords=if,elif,else,for,while,try,except,finally,def,class

Instead of using smartindent + cinwords + the inoremap hack, simply
use "filetype indent on". This was recommended to me on #Vim IRC
channel. This takes care of the silly # problem with smartindent and
is considered the best way for getting proper indentation in Python.
Give it a try!


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