[Tutor] CGKit
Kent Johnson
kent37 at tds.net
Thu Oct 5 16:32:05 CEST 2006
Carlos wrote:
> Hi Kent,
> Probably I'm totally missing something, but...
No, your analysis looks correct to me. Sorry, this goes beyond my
ability to help you. Is there a Maya or CGKit mailing list where you can
ask? The compiled plugin may be available from another source.
> I think there is not a compiled plug-in, if you go here
> http://cgkit.sourceforge.net/#download you are going to see that : " The
> Maya Python package (i.e. the Maya plug in and the actual Python
> package) is a separate package that can be downloaded from the above
> page as well. Currently, only the sources are available."
> The pages that you are pointing are installation instructions, but they
> not point to the compiled plug-in. If you go to the project download
> page <http://cgkit.sourceforge.net/#support> you will see the cgkit and
> maya sections, inside the maya section there are some files, but none of
> them is the plug-in itself, only the sources (I think). I have found
> that you can compile the plug-ins with scons instead of boost and seems
> to be easier. I just need to now how to set some paths. Here is what the
> readme of the file says:
> "The plugin is built using SCons (www.scons.org). If necessary, you can
> do customizations in a file config.py where you can set additional
> include paths and library paths in the lists CPPPATH and LIBPATH. Example:
> CPPPATH = ["...path1...", "...path2...", ...]
> LIBPATH = ["...path1...", "...path2...", ...]
> You have to make sure that the Maya SDK and the Python SDK can be found.
> To compile the plugin you have to call "scons" in the root directory of
> the sourcepy plugin (where the SConstruct file is located). If
> everything went fine, the result will be in the bin subdirectory (the
> file will be called sourcepy.mll or sourcepy.so) from where you can copy
> it to any convenient place where Maya is able to find it."
> I hope that someone can tell me how to do this.
> Carlos
> ""
> Thanks
> Carlos
> Kent Johnson wrote:
>> Carlos wrote:
>>> Thanks Luke and Kent,
>>> To get CGKit running I need to do two different things:
>>> First the Python Computer Graphics Kit is composed by an
>>> "cgkit-2.0.0alpha6.win32-py2.4.exe" file and some dependencies that
>>> are PyProtocols, numarray, PyOpenGL, PIL, pygame, PyODE and pySerial,
>>> with the exception of PyProtocols I have installed all of them. When
>>> I try to install PyProtocols from the command prompt it tells me that
>>> " The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before building
>>> extensions for Python." I went to Microsoft and installed the
>>> "Microsoft .NET Framework SDK v2.0", but the problem persists.
>>> The second part is the Python Maya Plug-In. I think that this is the
>>> tricky one, it is asking me to install Py++, that I have already
>>> installed. Now my problem comes when I have to compile the source
>>> code with Boost.Python, this one asks for Boost Jam and Boost. I have
>>> been trying to install this things but still have no clue at how.
>> Use the compiled plug-in. This page:
>> http://cgkit.sourceforge.net/mayadoc/install.html
>> says to copy sourcepy.mll to the Maya plug-in directory.
>> Python extensions for Windows are usually distributed as binaries
>> because so many people do not have the resources and knowledge to
>> compile them. I don't see anything in the Maya plugin docs to indicate
>> that you have to build it from source.
>> Kent
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