[Tutor] New Tutor topic(almost)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Feb 16 17:12:30 CET 2007

"Mark Bystry" <mabystry at verizon.net> wrote

> I'll look for it. Perhaps I should pick up one of the "Dummies" book 
> too.

I'm a big fan of Dummies books but not for concepts.
They are great if you want a flying start on a new language
or tool, but only if you already know the concepts.

For example, if you can already program and understand
web technology then the Struts for dummies book is great.
But their Programming for Dummies book didn't impress
me nearly as much. It was too many examples and too
little explanation of *why*...

But they do seem to have captured their powmn little
niche in the market.

Alan G. 

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