[Tutor] DICOM Header

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Sat Feb 24 17:23:25 CET 2007

Bill Sconce wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Feb 2007 13:51:35 -0700
> "Andrew Liimatta" <Andrew.Liimatta at hsc.utah.edu> wrote:
>> I have a directory that is filled with DICOM files that I obtained
>> by using the Offis DICOM tool kit.
> Ah.  The light dawns.  I should offer to communicate with you off-list,
> and report back here after we've solved the problem.  I have DICOM files
> here, and it sounds like an interesting and useful thing to be able to
> do (inspect DICOM files with Python). 

Googling 'python dicom' yields a few hits that might be helpful.


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