[Tutor] Multi-line comments?

Paulo Nuin nuin at genedrift.org
Thu Jun 7 01:44:58 CEST 2007

Hi Brad

Use something like this


Three single quotes will do it.



Brad Tompkins wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> This may seem like a pretty basic question but it's driving me crazy.
> Is there a way to make use of multi-line comments when programming 
> using python?  Having to stick a # in front of every line gets pretty 
> tedious when I want to make a comment more detailed than I normally 
> would.
> If there isn't a way, can someone recommend a text editor (I know 
> emacs and probably vi can do this, but they seem difficult to use) 
> that will comment out blocks of text automatically for me?
> Thanks,
> Brad
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