[Tutor] Python IDE

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Jun 11 22:42:53 CEST 2007

"scott" <slewin at rogers.com> wrote

> Could someone suggest a few good IDE's for me to look at.

If you want to standardise on one environment that is industrial
strength and multi platform go for eclipse. its heavyweight
but does it all.

Not only is it open source IDE king but several commercial
companies are moving their in-house IDEs to it as well - Oracle,
Borland and IBM to name but three.

With pydev installed its pretty impressive, so far as I can tell
the only missing feature is a GUI builder!

> a IDE that haves syntax highlighting and I also really like type
> completion where the IDE gives you suggestions as you type.

Yep, Eclipse does both.

> Extras like a good built in dictionary

Not quite sure what you mean by that one.
Can you illustrate?

> coding faster or easier would be great.

It does folding, has a built in debugger and class browser.

> multiple languages, but I am willing to use a IDE
> that is only Python

It supports Java and C++ out of the box but there are
plug-ins for everything from SQL to UML and Lisp.

> Lastly, I am a Linux user, so the IDE would need to run natively on
> Linux.

It runs on most platforms so you can take your skills with you.

The only snag is that it is big asnd beefy and needs a powerful
box to run it well.

If you want something lighter then try SPE, or even Pythonwin.
I'm playing with wxPython's tools at the moment and ALa Mode
looks promising too. But ulitimately I'm a long term vim user
so tend to stick to the traditional Unix toolset personally...


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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