[Tutor] how can I compare a local directory or file with a remote one

Reed O'Brien reed at reedobrien.com
Thu Jun 21 05:51:54 CEST 2007

On Jun 20, 2007, at 2:03 PM, Richard Querin wrote:

> I'm interested in writing a quick script that would run a diff-type
> command that would compare a local directory to a remote one to
> identify the changes in the files within that directory.
> I was initially thinking that I would maybe use the linux diff command
> in conjunction with the wget command (or something similar) to create
> a local copy but that involves downloading files. Is there any way in
> python to do a similar thing but without having to download a copy of
> the remote files/directories?
> Any ideas?

At first blush it sounds to me like you want rsync, as has been  
pointed out.  If on of the systems is running an OS that doesn't come  
with rsync... I have used http://www.vdesmedt.com/~vds2212/rsync.html  
to achieve the same result.


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