[Tutor] Online Rock Paper Sizzors

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Fri Jun 22 13:17:10 CEST 2007

> From: Amadeo Bellotti <amadeo.bellotti at gmail.com>
> no this isn't a home work assignment. Ive never done web programming 
> before i am pretty skilled in python i dont want an application like on 
> a web browser. i want a client that each person can download. honestly i 
> have no clue where to start with a web app once i get started i can 
> probably take over

A downloadable client is an application like any other. Since you know 
Python you can start with that. You can use the pickle module to keep a 
list of high scores.

Why do you call this a web app if it is downloadable? How will it be 
different from a standalone application? If you want the high scores to 
be shared between different users you will have to make the application 
talk to a server of some kind. A simple way to do this is by making 
requests to a web server. You could also use XML-RPC. Python has modules 
to support both of these.


> On 6/21/07, *Alan Gauld* <alan.gauld at btinternet.com 
> <mailto:alan.gauld at btinternet.com>> wrote:
>     "Amadeo Bellotti" <amadeo.bellotti at gmail.com
>     <mailto:amadeo.bellotti at gmail.com>> wrote
>      > any body know where i start with this I want to be able to enter
>      > user names and keep score for the persons wins and loses anybody
>      > know how i can  do this?
>     I recommend you write a web application.
>     There are many web frameworks available in Python from
>     basic CGI to Zope and all levels in between.
>     I use TurboGears which includes login and security as
>     part of the framework.
>     Now, what else do you not understand? If you ask more specific
>     questions you will get more specific answers. Also gicve us some
>     context.Are you an experienced programmer? Are you experienced
>     in writing web apps in some other language? In Python? At
>     what point are you stuck?
>     Or is it a homework assignment? If so we need to see your
>     attempts before giving hints.
>     HTH,
>     --
>     Alan Gauld
>     Author of the Learn to Program web site
>     http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld
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