[Tutor] Newb Learning Question

Jeffrey Dates kungfukoi at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 20:26:42 CEST 2008

That's Bob, and Tony,  exactly what I'm looking for. ( not the answer, but
the path to it... )

Let me get back to you with my result after I study this a bit.

Jeffrey Dates

On undefined, bob gailer <bgailer at alum.rpi.edu> wrote:

> Jeffrey Dates wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I have no previous experience in scripting.  Python is my first
> > language...
> > I'm currently trying to build a logic model for how to 'think' in
> > Python, so please excuse my ignorance.
> >
> > Currently, I'm running through some basic 101 tutorials, to wrap my
> > head around solving problems.
> > I'm looking for some advice on how to solve the following exercise:
> >
> > "Write a program that prints the first letter of a string that comes
> > after 'm' in the alphabet."
> >
> > what I had so far:
> >
> > for code in range(ord("a"), ord("z") +1):
> >     if code == ord("m"):
> >         print chr(code +1)
> >
> > Now, this solves for the first letter after "M"
> which is NOT what the exercise wants!
> Consider "are you ready?". Which character is the first that comes after
> 'm' in the alphabet."?
> BTW did you mean after "m"? Caps and lower case are different.
> > , but doesn't do it via a string....
> I for one am reluctant to just give an answer. I prefer to lead you to a
> solution.
> So, I suggest you write a program to:
>    assign a candidate string to a variable (choose a string that has at
> least one letter that "comes after 'm'")
>    test each character to see if it "comes after 'm'"
>    print that character
>    stop
> Do as much as you can, and ask more questions.
> --
> Bob Gailer
> 919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC
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