[Tutor] handling MIDI in python

Anthony Parks abstractpoetry at gmail.com
Sun Jun 8 20:15:17 CEST 2008

regarding conversion between wav and midi, ive looked into it. like the
following article says, you can't.

i mean, it is possible, but wav and midi are fundamentally different things.
midi files contain commands that play sounds based on software synthesizers
or synthesizers controlled by external devices, while wav files play
recordings. a midi file doesn't have any sound in it, just commands.

now its possible to analyze a recording and break it down into a composition
of different notes that could generate a midi file, but this is insane and
kudos to the few developers who have been able to design such software.

On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 1:40 PM, amit sethi <amit.pureenergy at gmail.com>

> Can someone tell me about the libraries that can handle MIDI files and also
> is their a way in which I can convert an mp3 and wav file into a Midi file
> within a python program
> --
> A-M-I-T S|S
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