[Tutor] COM server: cannot assign property

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Fri Nov 13 19:37:25 CET 2009

On 11/12/2009 4:41 PM Yashwin Kanchan said...
> Hi Guys
> I am trying to create a simple test COM server , but am have trouble 
> assigning any property value to it through excel VBA.
> Please point out where i am going wrong.
> #COM server
> class test(object):
>     _reg_clsid_ = "{B5901450-F9A1-4F76-8FCF-2BFFA96ED210}"
>     _reg_progid_ = "Python.Test"
>     _public_methods_ = ["arg"]

My bet is that the problem is here.  Do you need to expose t as well?

I wrote one of these six or seven years ago -- here're the critical bits 
(where EMSpecs is a class defined in the same module):

class fenxUtilities:
     _public_methods_ = [ 'FirstPartInsp' ]
     _reg_progid_ = "fenxDCom.Util"
     _reg_clsid_ = "{3EAD7AB4-2978-4360-8F7D-33FB36E9E146}"
     def FirstPartInsp(self, nomDiam, numFlutes, nomOAL, nomLOC):
         return EMSpecs(nomDiam, numFlutes, nomOAL, nomLOC).retvals

if __name__=='__main__':
     print "Registering COM server..."
     import win32com.server.register



>     _public_attrs_ = ["t"]
>     def __init__(self):
>         self._t=0
>     def arg(self,s,r):
>         return (s,r)
>     def get_t(self):
>         return self._t
>     def set_t(self,value):
>         self._t = str(value)
>     t = property(get_t,set_t)
> if __name__=='__main__':
>     import win32com.server.register
>     win32com.server.register.UseCommandLine(test)
>     print "done"
> VBA Code:
> Sub Button1_Click()
>     Set test = CreateObject("Python.Test")
>     test.arg 2, 5
>     test.t = "hello"
>     MsgBox test.t
> End Sub
> Error; "Object doesnt support this property or method" at test.t = "hello"
> Thanks
> Yashwin Kanchan
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