[Tutor] opening a file directly from memory

mjekl at iol.pt mjekl at iol.pt
Sun Nov 15 01:49:27 CET 2009

I'm wondering if I must save a file to memory before opening it. By  
opening I mean displaying it to the user.

I have a BLOB field in a db and I have managed to read the blob into a  
binary fileobject. I've also managed to write it to disk and then I  
open it by doubleclicking on it. But I was wondering:

1. How to open the file directly from code (and not by double clicking):
I'm aware of os.startfile on Win by I'm on a Mac now, so I rather have  
a cross-platform way of accomplishing this.

2. If there is any Python module that takes care of saving and  
cleaning temp files in an OS transparent way?


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