[Tutor] Images on Python 3k

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Jan 17 01:50:58 CET 2010

"Luhmann" <luhmann_br at yahoo.com> wrote

> I have only started using python after Py3 was released, so this is is 
> the only version I know. I have tried to make my code work in 
> Python 2 so I could use PIL, 

This is one of the biggest barriers to adopting Python 3. Until PIL 
gets ported it's a non starter for many folks.

And why Tk doesn't support formats other than GIF and PPM for 
its "PhotoImage" widget is a long standing mystery! Thee has been 
much talk of supporting JPG but nothing has ever materialised.

Alan G.

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