[Tutor] Identifying V3 examples

Jon Paris jon.paris at partner400.com
Thu Jul 23 22:45:44 CEST 2015

On Jul 23, 2015, at 4:42 PM, Laura Creighton <lac at openend.se> wrote:

> In a message of Thu, 23 Jul 2015 16:23:29 -0400, Jon Paris writes:
>> Well I confess that is what I was expecting, and certainly you have been very friendly for which I thank you. It did feel a little odd to come to a beginners group and immediately get dumped on.
>> C’est la via. I have now found a number of people familiar with Python in my own “universe” (IBM i systems) so hopefully I won’t have to run the gauntlet here too often!
>> Thanks again.
>>>> Jon Paris
>>> Laura
> Local people are always the best resource.  But, alas, most people on this
> list are actually very freindly.  It is just that top posting bothers
> some of them worse than being stung by killer bees.  I have no idea
> why this is so.
> I hope you will come back with Python questions, and give us a chance to
> redeem ourselves, though I perfectly understand if we have utterly
> worn out our welcome with you.
> Laura

Thanks Laura - we’ll see how it goes. My alternate resources are by no means local - they are on other internet lists but let’s just say they are less obsessed with etiquette than some here.

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