[Tutor] RollDieDynamic

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue May 23 07:18:13 EDT 2023

Sent from my iPad

> On 22 May 2023, at 19:18, Michael Reubel <blackdymondzinc at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello my name is Michael Reubel. I need some help with installing
> RollDieDynamic on my system.I am taking an online course for python. And

OK, We do not support RollDieDynamic and indeed have never heard of it. However we can try to help out with Python issues. In this case it seems that the problem is not Python related but to do with CMD.EXE on Windows.

>  - Extracted the zip files under Desktop.
>   -  Found out that my zip file was stored in my OneDrive.
>   - I then proceeded to use cd Onedrive.
>   - Typed cd Desktop

I’m not sure what you thought that did, but you basically moved into OneDrive then back out again.

>   - cd IntroToPythonMaster (that is how it is titled in my system).

Do you have such a directory on your Desktop?

>   -  cd examples and i get a message that reads the system cannot find the
>   path specified.

Does it exist, you may find it easier using the File explorer tool in Windows.

> I've also searched on Youtube on how to create a Path and I didn't get much
> help from that either.

It sounds like you are not familiar with basic use of the command line tools in Windows.
Anything involving programming (in Python or any other language) usually requires good skills at a command line. I’d suggest finding a tutorial on how to use the CMD.EXE command line to navigate and execute programs before you go any further. 

If there is a help forum for your package you may find they are better able to advise you since it doesn’t seem to be a Python issue as such, but a package install problem.


Alan G

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