[Types-sig] Issue: definition of "type"

Greg Stein gstein@lyra.org
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 12:05:33 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, Paul Prescod wrote:
> Martijn Faassen wrote:
> >...
> > Doesn't this rely on run-time information? How would a type system deal
> > with this? I suppose I'm entering the domain of interfaces now...
> Yes, that is the role of interfaces. Nobody has yet suggested that the
> code you described would be type-safe. The two doSomething methods are
> unrelated.

I maintain that it could be declared type-safe. In fact, it is reasonably
straight-forward to generate the type information at each point, for each
value, and then to verify that the .doSomething is valid.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/