[Types-sig] Interface files

Paul Prescod paul@prescod.net
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 08:16:51 -0500

skaller wrote:
> > If the normative spec. is in terms of interface files then we can deal
> > with various situations through transformation TO interface files:
> Yes, this is possible to some extent, but not totally:
> first, the grammar needs to be compatible with existing
> python to permit embedding in the first place, 

That's why we preced everything with "decl" or "typedef" and thus get
our own sublanguage.

> and secondly
> _references_ to typedecls seem to require embedding,
> even if the decls themselves are not embedded.

True enough. The references are going to be dotted names which Python
will look for at runtime.

 Paul Prescod