[Web-SIG] WSGI deployment: an experiment

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Fri Jul 29 00:40:04 CEST 2005

I've created a branch in Paste with a rough experiment in WSGI 
deployment, declarative but (I think) more general than what's been 
discussed.  The branch is at:


All the specific modules for this stuff are in wsgi_*; wsgi_deploy.py 
being the main one.

And an application that is runnable with it is at:


It's experimental.  It's far too bound to ConfigParser.  Maybe it's too 
closely bound to .ini files in general.  It doesn't handle multiple 
files or file references well at all.  Actually, not just not well, but 
just not at all.  But I think it's fairly simple and usable as a proof 
of concept.

And here's the deployment file, with some comments added:

# This is a special section for the server.  Probably it should
# just be named "server", but eh.  This is for when you use
# paste.wsgi_deploy.make_deployment -- you can also create an
# application from this file without serving it; it just happens
# to be that you can put both application sections and a server
# section in the same file without clashing...
# use: does pkg_resources.load_entry_point(spec, 'type...', name)
# you can also use "factory" to avoid eggishness.
# servers have a type of wsgi.server_factory00
# applications have a type of wsgi.app_factory00
# filters (aka middleware) have a type of wsgi.filter_factory00
use: Paste wsgiutils
port: 8080

# "main" is the application that is loaded when this file is
# loaded.
[application: main]
# This is an application factory.  The application factory is passed
# app_factory(this_configparser_object, this_section), and returns
# the application.  In this case the pipeline factory will use other
# sections in the config file to compose middleware.
use: Paste pipeline
# These each refer to sections; the last item is an application, the
# others are filters.
pipeline: printdebug urlmap

# Here's that filter.
[filter: printdebug]
use: Paste printdebug

# This isn't a filter, even though it dispatches, because it doesn't
# dispatch to a single application.
[application: urlmap]
use: Paste urlmap
# Path like things are used to map to other named applications.
# In this case nothing is mapped to /, so you'll get a 404 unless
# you go to one of these paths.  But something could be mapped to /,
# of course.
/home = fb1
/other = fb2

# This is the first real application.
[application: fb1]
use: FileBrowser app

# This is a configuration parameter that is passed to the application.
# The actual passing happens in wsgi_deploy.make_paste_app, which
# is invoked by the 'app' entry point.  It uses the paste convention
# of a flat configuration.
browse_path = /home/ianb

# And the same app, but with different configuration.  Of course
# the pipeline app could also be used, or whatever.  Ideally it
# should be easier to point to other files, not just other sections.
[application: fb2]
use: FileBrowser app

browse_path = /home/rflosi

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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