[Web-SIG] A trivial template API counter-proposal

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Sun Feb 5 02:01:03 CET 2006

> >I am probably missing something, but shouldn't there also be an API to
> >render the template to a string or stream given some context of
> >variable names? I'm looking at this from a very different perspective,
> >namely *using* various templating engines from an app that otherwise
> >doesn't use a framework but still needs templating.
> The API I proposed assumes that the template engine gives you WSGI
> application objects, and that you simply pipe them through to your WSGI
> stack.  That is, in the simplest case:
>      def some_wsgi_app(environ, start_response):
>          template = some_engine.compile_stream(open("mytemplate.foo"))
>          environ['wsgi.params'] = {'some_var':'bar'}
>          return template(environ, start_response)
> The assumption here is that a "template" is just a WSGI application object,
> that maybe has a few extra keys added to the environ, like a params dict
> and/or a "published object".
>  From current discussion, however, it seems like the above API will be
> deferred a while to focus on a higher-level API in which you simply ask for
> a template by an opaque ID, e.g.:
>      def some_wsgi_app(environ, start_response):
>          template = some_engine.find_template("mytemplate")
>          environ['wsgi.params'] = {'some_var':'bar'}
>          return template(environ, start_response)
> So, it's the same except an even simpler, higher-level API.  The API I
> proposed is more useful in the context of a template manager (such as Zope
> 3 skins/layers) that might need to support pluggable template
> compilers.  In such circumstances, the compile/write APIs I proposed would
> be useful, but a different API layer than the "get me a template to run" API.
> Anyway, part of the reasoning for using WSGI itself as a template API is
> that it allows for template languages that may need to manipulate response
> headers and status, such as the ones that embed Python in HTML or HTML in
> Python.  Or more typically, templates being used to generate non-HTML text,
> such as XML, tab-delimited files, or other kinds of downloads.  It also
> makes it possible for the template language to offer its own native API for
> getting request data.  For example, a ZPT template engine would be free to
> rewrap the WSGI data to appear as standard Zope request/response objects
> from the template's point of view.

I see. But doesn't this still tie the templates API rather strongly to
a web API? What if I want to use a template engine to generate
spam^H^H^H^Hpersonalized emails? Or static HTML pages that are written
to the filesystem and then served by a classic Apache setup? Or source
code (program generators are fun toys!)?

ISTM that a template that does anything besides producing the
*content* of a download would be a rather extreme exception -- e.g.
the decision to generate a redirect feels like *application* logic,
while templates ought to limit themselves to *presentation* logic, and
for that, an API that produces a string or writes to a stream seems to
make more sense. What am I missing? Are you proposing that I should
fake out the wsgi API and capture the strings passed to write() and
the sequence returned?

> >(PS having tried WSGI a bit now I'm fine with it.
> WSGI - it's no worse than a trip to East Berlin.  :)

Well, it *is* quite a trip to memory lane... Intellectually I
understand that the CGI feel is simply practical; but emotionally,
using environ["PATH_INFO"] feels like a big step back compared to

> >  Perhaps wsgiref
> >should go into the Python 2.5 standard library?)
> Sure.  I'd suggest that we might want to expand it a little to include some
> of the fine contributions of other authors, such as Ian's "lint" middleware
> (which sits between an app and a server and checks both for compliance) and
> maybe even his "Python debugger in the browser" middleware.  There have
> also been people who've written a few utilities for CGI-in-WSGI, WSGI in
> mod_python, etc.  And it'd be nice to squeeze in a FastCGI implementation
> if somebody's got a suitable one.  Docs are also nonexistent at the
> moment.  I'd be happy to co-ordinate and consolidate the additions, and of
> course I'll write documentation, though any assistance people can offer
> would be greatly appreciated.  Some people have written nice WSGI tutorials
> or explanations, so if anybody wants to offer those up for consolidation
> into docs, that would be good too.

Adding support for mod_python in the stdlib seems excessive --
shouldn't that be included with mod_python instead? FastCGI OTOH seems
handy to have.

See my response to Ian recommending a conservative approach here.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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