[XML-SIG] Anonymous CVS access, and current status
Geir Ove Gronmo
Fri, 18 Sep 1998 14:48:18 +0200
At 12:34 16.09.98 -0400, A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> * Better-placed people in the XML community, please correct me
>on this: besides DOM, I don't see any XML-related technologies or
>standards that will be finalized any time soon. The first public XSL
>working draft just got released, and there are various XML-Data/DCD,
>XSchema, and other things being worked on, but none of those things
>will be finished within the next 6 months or so. Is my perception
There are some XML-related technologies technologies that I would like to
see implemented/integrated into the Python environment. I wouldn't expect
any of them to be included into the version 1.0 of the Python/XML package
o XLink ( http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/WD-xlink-19980303 )
o The Hytime modules ( http://www.hytime.org/ )
o The SGML Extended Facilies (
http://www.ornl.gov/sgml/wg8/docs/n1920/html/clause-A.html )
o Topic Navigation Maps ( http://www.hightext.com/tnm/ )
o Resource Description Framework ( http://www.w3.org/RDF/ )
o A Python wrapper module for the SP package written by James Clark. (
http://www.jclark.com/sp/ )
o A SAX driver for nsgmls
Geir O.
================== Geir Ove Grønmo ==================
| STEP Infotek as, Gjerdrumsvei 12, 0486 Oslo, Norway |
| grove@infotek.no http://www.infotek.no/ |