[XML-SIG] XML-newbie says hello
Paul Prescod
Tue, 09 Feb 1999 16:23:04 -0600
Just van Rossum wrote:
> Is this list appropriate for questions about using the XML
> implementation(s) this sig has put forth?
> I'll start off with two off-topic questions...
> Together with a bunch of people from my field we will try to design a DTD
> (or set of DTDs) for a complex kind of specialized data. Most of us have no
> experience with designing DTDs.
> - Would any of you kind souls be willing to tell me which of the books
> advertized on the sigs homepage (or other books non-advertized) covers
> DTD-design in a comprehensible way? (I own "XML - A Primer", and that's a
> nice XML introduction if you come from HTML, but is rather useless if you
> need to invent DTDs...)
Probably David Megginson's "Structuring XML Documents" is the most
appropriate for DTD design issues.
> - What would be an appropriate forum for discussions about DTD design?
The XML-dev mailing list is pretty good place to answer questions. It's
pretty voluminous but if you get in, ask your question, collect the
replies and get out you should be okay. :)
Paul Prescod - ISOGEN Consulting Engineer speaking for only himself
"Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did,
but she did it backwards and in high heels."
--Faith Whittlesey