[XML-SIG] CVS tree reorganized
Sean Mc Grath
Thu, 02 Sep 1999 15:00:45 +0100
>For Windows users, the script makes not so much sense, I think.
>It installs into a non existent directory, forgets the binaries
>and so on. For a problem free installation, I'd suggest to do
>it like PythonWin and others and use the WISE installer.
>I would also suggest to optional include the available HTML
>If that makes sense, drop me a note and I'll make a WISE installer.
A WISE install for windows would be just great and would
come at just the right time for my book "XML processing
with Python". I have to commit to master files soon for
the CD-ROM and would love to have an easy Windows install.
I do not have WISE here (we use installshield). If you
could make a WISE distribution, I will put it on the CD-ROM for
the book. An alternative is that I could create an
installshield but I think it would be more consistent
with the way Python itself is distributed to use WISE.
<Sean URI="http://www.digitome.com/sean.html">
Developers Day Co-Chair, 9th International World Wide Web Conference
16-19, May, 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands http://www9.org