[XML-SIG] XML support in Python 1.6
Dieter Maurer
Thu, 1 Jun 2000 23:55:13 +0200 (CEST)
Fred L. Drake, Jr. writes:
> We also need to decide what sort of API we want to publicize as part
> of the standard library -- SAX or SAX2? Given the delay for Python
> 1.6, it probably makes sense to include a saxlib module that
> implements SAX2. Lars, does this still make sense to you?
I am for SAX2.
> We also need to determine how Unicode should be supported; should
> the parser always produce Unicode strings, or UTF-8, and provide a
> wrapper that converts everything?
I prefer UTF-8.
> Any other issues? Comments? Should we just drop Python 1.6 and
> concentrate on Python 3000? :)
I do not think so.