[XML-SIG] xpath (4xpath) and CDATA
Uche Ogbuji
Sun, 08 Apr 2001 20:30:11 -0600
> > Fred and I disagree about the interepretation of the Xpath spec, so for
> > now my changes just treat a CDATA identically to a text node.
> Does that really work? Shouldn't multiple text nodes be combined with
> any CDATA sections before doing any processing?
It doesn't really work. Not only is there the problem you mention, but
there's also the problem of expanding and merging EntiryRefs.
Rich says all he needs to solve is the CDATA-as-sole-child problem. I say
that this problem is so non-general that I'd hate to see specialized code to
solve it withough at least some discussion of how to solve the general problem.
In other words, I'd not like to see code checked in to 4XPath that blindly
checks for CDATASection nodes wherever it's looking for TEXT nodes.
Uche Ogbuji Principal Consultant
uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com +1 303 583 9900 x 101
Fourthought, Inc. http://Fourthought.com
4735 East Walnut St, Ste. C, Boulder, CO 80301-2537, USA
Software-engineering, knowledge-management, XML, CORBA, Linux, Python