[XML-SIG] "Borrowed" tests
Martin v. Loewis
Mon, 9 Apr 2001 11:23:00 +0200
> > One of the problems I have with your "borrowed" test cases is that it
> > is not always easy to tell PASS from FAIL; they just produce a lot of
> > output. To be useful for a user, a clear pass/fail indication is
> > necessary.
> Hmm. All the 4DOM and 4XSLT tests do indicate pass/fail using the "[OK]" or
> "[FAILED]" notation we borrowed from Red Hat start-up scripts.
Does that include the files which currently live in /xml/test/dom? I
run that as 'python test.py', and see no such output. Some of the
tests end with printing 'foo works', some only write the test name
(such as
********** Node **********
********** NodeList **********
********** NamedNodeMap **********
********** NodeIterator **********
********** TreeWalker **********
********** Attr **********
The entire test run ends with
********** HTML HTML_DOM_IMPLEMENTATION **********
testing source code syntax
<TITLE>The Title</TITLE>
Test Time - 1.782 secs
That probably means 'pass', although I'm not certain whether I would
recognize a failure.