[XML-SIG] PyXML breaks localization
Uche Ogbuji
Thu, 08 Aug 2002 09:07:20 -0600
> Hi everybody,
> I have just found that PyXML calls gettext.install() on import (via
> dom/MessageSource.py), which means that simply calling:
> import xml.dom
> puts _() to your __builtin__ namespace. Even worse is, that previously
> installed _() is overridden, thus breaking the localization of running app.
> Even if this is easy to fix by calling gettext.install() after xml.dom
> was imported, it does not seem to me as a Good Thing(tm).
> I think that the localization scheme of PyXML should be changed
> according to http://python.org/doc/2.2.1/lib/node207.html in order not
> to pollute the __builtin__ namespace.
I'll look into this. I've wanted to touch up the l10n code, anyway.
Uche Ogbuji Fourthought, Inc.
http://uche.ogbuji.net http://4Suite.org http://fourthought.com
Track chair, XML/Web Services One Boston: http://www.xmlconference.com/
Basic XML and RDF techniques for knowledge management, Part 7 -
Keeping pace with James Clark - http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/libra
Python and XML development using 4Suite, Part 3: 4RDF -