[XML-SIG] validating xhtml
Mike Brown
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 01:28:35 -0700 (MST)
Martin v. Loewis wrote:
> This is certainly not your fault - you did not write the DTD. Further
> analysis would be needed whether the fault is with xmlproc, or with
> the DTD. Don't be too impressed that the DTD is published by the W3C -
> even they may make errors.
I think it was an error they decided to live with, by pretending that it was
what they intended to be valid all along.
XML 1.0 section 2.10 said, of xml:space:
When declared, it must be given as an enumerated type
whose only possible values are "default" and "preserve".
and the example given was merely this:
<!ATTLIST poem xml:space (default|preserve) 'preserve'>
But that same section in XML 1.0 Second Edition says this:
When declared, it must be given as an enumerated type
whose values are one or both of "default" and "preserve".
and adds another example:
<!ATTLIST pre xml:space (preserve) #FIXED 'preserve'>
It's rather unfortunate for a "clarification", as it is obviously more of an
outright change that is not truly backward compatible -- any self-respecting
parser would enforce checking for "(default|preserve)" because it's a "must"
-- but there you go.
- Mike
mike j. brown | xml/xslt: http://skew.org/xml/
denver/boulder, colorado, usa | personal: http://hyperreal.org/~mike/