[XML-SIG] Ann: xvif 0.2.0
Michael McLay
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 11:40:37 -0400
On Tuesday 01 October 2002 11:14 am, Eric van der Vlist wrote:
> Hi Michael and Fred,
> On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 17:06, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> > Michael McLay writes:
> > > The Python long type has been merged with int and if I recall
> > > corrrectly the use of long has been deprecated. The syntax for int
> > > literals would also be more compatible with xs:integer than the
> > > long literals.
> >
> > I'm not sure what you mean by "merged"; they are decidely two distinct
> > types with incompatible internal representations. This is unlikely to
> > change. To the best of my knowledge, the long() constructor has not
> > been deprecated.
Sorry, I worded that very poorly. I was refering to the changes you correctly
described in the paragraph that follows.
> > What has changed is that functions written in C are now much more
> > likely to accept a long if the value is in the range of a C int, and
> > Python will generate a long as needed for literals that exceed the
> > range of an int.
I was suprised to find that the automatic conversion of literals to longs
doesn't seem to work. Instead the following occur:
Python 2.1.1 (#1, Aug 30 2001, 17:36:05)
>>> a = 453326663432
OverflowError: integer literal too large
The "L" still needs to be there for literals.
>>> a = 453326663432L
>>> a
I thought I read that this "L" was no longer necessary.
> What I can tell is that if I change "long" to "int" as a base class for
> the integer type, the test cases testing large value do fail.
> It is the case for instance for this value:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <doc>4294967295</doc>
> which is then considered invalid.
> I am running python 2.2.1 on Debian sid:
I should have tested this prior to posting. I thought the conversion to long
when an int overflow occured was now automatic. Now that I've tested this I
see that it isn't true. I withdraw my suggestion.
Python 2.1.1 (#1, Aug 30 2001, 17:36:05)
[GCC 2.96 20000731 (Mandrake Linux 8.1 2.96-0.61mdk)] on linux-i386
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>>> int("2073741824")
>>> int("4073741824")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ValueError: int() literal too large: 4073741824
>>> long("4073741824")