[XML-SIG] expat missing in Sun Python?
Norman Samuelson
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 08:35:27 -0700
I have been working on an application that deals with XML files, converting
text data to XML. It uses the minidom, which I thought was part of
standard Python distributions. I developed the code on Windows, and I have
had no trouble running it on Compaq or IBM flavors of Unix. When I try to
run it on our Sun machines, it fails. The following two lines of Python
code illustrate the problem:
import xml.dom.minidom as mdom
doc = mdom.parse('name of xml file goes here')
When parse is called on the Sun, I get the following retrace:
>Python 2.1.1 (#2, Nov 8 2001, 17:03:47)
>[GCC 2.95.2 19991024 (release)] on sunos5
>Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import xml.dom.minidom as mdom
> >>> doc = mdom.parse('/usr/gapps/cyclops/data/ale3d.ParamDescriptions.xml')
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> File
> "/usr/local/apps/python/python-2.1.1/lib/python2.1/xml/dom/minidom.py",
> line 910, in parse
> return _doparse(pulldom.parse, args, kwargs)
> File
> "/usr/local/apps/python/python-2.1.1/lib/python2.1/xml/dom/minidom.py",
> line 901, in _doparse
> events = apply(func, args, kwargs)
> File
> "/usr/local/apps/python/python-2.1.1/lib/python2.1/xml/dom/pulldom.py",
> line 289, in parse
> parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
> File
> "/usr/local/apps/python/python-2.1.1/lib/python2.1/xml/sax/__init__.py",
> line 88, in make_parser
> raise SAXReaderNotAvailable("No parsers found", None)
>xml.sax._exceptions.SAXReaderNotAvailable: No parsers found
> >>>
It appears that expat (or is it pyexpat) is missing.
I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where to find the missing
piece, or a newer version that includes that missing piece.
- Norm -
Norman H. Samuelson nhs@llnl.gov
Lawrence Livermore National Lab 925-422-0661
P.O. Box 808, L-98
Livermore, CA 94551