[XML-SIG] XBEL xslt stylesheet

Christian Junk junkc at fh-trier.de
Mon Jan 10 13:58:29 CET 2005

Am Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2005 21:46 schrieb Narve Saetre:
> >Yes, this URL is no longer valid, but Joris sent me his XSLT stylesheets a
> >month ago. If you like, I can upload them to 'secure' webspace. I'm able
> > to provide webspace for other stylesheets, too. So if you're interested,
> > we can collect good styles and offer them under a unique url?
> Good idea -- having nice, working stylesheets available is always good
> if you have xml files and you want to display them quickly. Since your
> web site seems to be the main page for XBEL related work, it would be
> the natural place to host XBEL stylesheets. And of course, broken links
> are evil, so it is better to host the stylesheets yourself:)

I arranged webspace under the subdomain


and uploaded the stylesheets. If you have other stylesheets please send them 
to me.


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