I tried to install yt using the commands: $ wget http://hg.yt-project.org/yt/raw/stable/doc/install_script.sh $ bash install_script.sh It seemed to install fine, but when I tried to run the activate script, I got the following error: $ source /Users/mpresley/yt-x86_64/bin/activate (yt-x86_64)anantes-651-1-49-78:~ mpresley$ yt usage: yt [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--paste] [--paste-detailed] [--detailed] [--rpdb] [--parallel] {help,bootstrap_dev,bugreport,hop,hub_register,hub_submit,instinfo,load,mapserver,pastebin,pastebin_grab,upload_notebook,plot,render,rpdb,notebook,serve,reason,stats,update,upload_image} ... yt: error: too few arguments I tried just deleting the files and re-doing the installation, but I encountered the same error. I am installing on iOS 10.7.5 and have attached the install log. Thanks for any help.