[Baypiggies] Seeking rides from/to SF tonight?
Hy Carrinski
hcarrinski at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 21:11:58 CET 2011
The BayPIGgies meeting tonight promises to be informal and interesting.
I am looking for a ride to the meeting tonight, leaving from SF (or a
BART station)
around 5pm or 6pm. I am also independently wishing for a ride back to SF
(or a BART station) leaving around 8:30pm or so. I am hoping to leave
a little early:
need some rest after a fun time with folks from the sfpython meetup last night
and to prepare for a red-eye to Boston tomorrow.
In addition to chipping in for gas and food, I can offer thoughtful
discussion of
PyCon 2012 tutorial choices, growing pains with CoffeeScript, and current
thoughts on Django. Spontaneous conversation works for me to, but
caveat emptor.
Summary of tonight from jim's email appears below.
December BayPIGgies meeting: Thursday, December 15, 2011: What Is
Speaker Marilyn Davis
Marilyn will give a clear, succinct, and hopefully, thought-provoking,
definition for the word "pythonic". She'll explain a few concepts that
help you to produce pythonic code. And, using her definition, she will
give code examples and pythonic ratings, from 0 to 10, for various
snippets of code.
We'll leave time for others to share their snippets of code. So bring
any code or thoughts that you consider to be particular pythonic, or
un-pythonic, or that just leave you curious. We'll try to work
together to pythonisize any code example, and put a rating on it.
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