[PyBel] ASBL/VZW creation?

Gmail - Wouter wouter.vanden.hove at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 13:06:31 EDT 2016


Given the dormant nature of the Python-belgium mailinglists (on average 
the past 5 years),
this discussion "Let's organize EuroPython" is always surprising to see.

Given that the resources are nearly non-existant for a huge task like this,
given the very limited number of Belgian attendees to past 
who really thinks this a good idea?

Aren't we trying to run a marathon before learning to walk?

Best regards,
Wouter Vanden Hove

Op 11-08-16 om 17:45 schreef Didrik Pinte:
> On 10 August 2016 at 17:40, Stephane Wirtel <stephane at wirtel.be 
> <mailto:stephane at wirtel.be>> wrote:
>     Hi Didrik,
>     On 08/10, Didrik Pinte wrote:
>         On 5 August 2016 at 15:30, Stephane Wirtel <stephane at wirtel.be
>         <mailto:stephane at wirtel.be>> wrote:
>             We first need to setup an asbl/vzw/VoG.
>                 This will help if we organise pyconbe or/and
>                 europython (and also for
>                 pythonfosdem)
>             Setup an asbl/vzw/VoG is a requirement if you want to
>             receive some
>             sponsors.
>         I think it is really needed. I would be very happy to donate
>         to support
>         various things but that will have to go through my company,
>         which will also
>         require a legal entity to donate to.
>     Yep, I understand and it's my case with my freelancer status. I
>     can give time but not money.
>             but I am totally agree with you. without that, we are not
>             a legal entity
>             and we can't organise the PyCon.BE or EuroPython in
>             Belgium for 2019/2020.
>         If we want to go this way, I can ask a lawyer to draft the
>         articles of
>         association. There will be some specific criteria to be filled
>         in, in
>         particular if there is a will to organize larger events in the
>         future.
>     In the case of EuroPython, there is the EuroPython Society.
>     For PyCon.be, we do agree with you, we need good statuses, but
>     what do you propose for the specific criteria.
> The list will more than likely be pretty clear once we have a specific 
> set of questions from a lawyer and a first meeting with the people who 
> want to be part of founding the asbl/vzw.
> Do we need/want a membership fee, how do we elect board members, how 
> do we want to manage budgets (specific mandates for certain people), etc.
>         I suggest people interested in investing some time in the
>         ASBL/VZW contact
>         me directly. We will organise a meeting shortly and discuss
>         the various
>         details. How does that sound?
>     Firstly, we need to have some active members. 
> I guess we surely have some, at least looking at the activity of the 
> different mailing list over the past months and the consolidation that 
> is happening.
>     Secondly, why you directly ?
> It's a proposal. I'm pretty happy if anyone else wants to do it but 
> someone will have to kick something off ;-)
> -- Didrik
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