[Chicago] help from Django and Pylons developers

Massimo Di Pierro mdipierro at cs.depaul.edu
Mon Apr 28 20:13:19 CEST 2008

Thank you. I really appreciate this!


On Apr 28, 2008, at 1:10 PM, Carl Karsten wrote:

> Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I am writing a comparison between web2py and other frameworks.  
>> Here is a
>> draft:
>> http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples/static/web2py_vs_others.pdf
> a little django stuff, lots of basic proof reading edits.
> ----------
> p10
> The web2py web based administrative
> interface allow to do development,
> allows you to
> The same
> functionality can be access via the Python
> shell
> accessed
> -----------
> p11 - up the font
> p12 - ok, maybe leave the font alone...
> -----------
> p22
>                              All other
> frameworks requires some type of
> configurations.
> require
> configuration.
> web2py applications can have configuration
> files
> missing .
> -----------
> p24
>        (with the limitations provided by the
> App Engine)
> limitations imposed, missing .
> "database abstraction layers"
> probably singular: layer
> "supports the Google Query Language"
> missing .
> -----------
> p25 - caching - django has more options:
>      * Memcached
>      * Database caching
>      * Filesystem caching
>      * Local-memory caching
> "you have to tell it where your cached data should live — whether  
> in a database,
> on the filesystem or directly in memory. "
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/cache/
> -----------
> p26
> "There’s nothing about Django that requires using the template  
> language, so if
> you’re attached to ZPT, Cheetah, or whatever, feel free to use those."
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/faq/#i-can-t-stand-your- 
> template-language-do-i-have-to-use-it
> -----------
> p27
>                                 ( for
> example web2py can use Genshi, Pylons
> can use web2py’s)
> (for
> missing .
> -----------
> p33 -
> missing .
> missing .
> -----------
> p35 -
> missing .
> -----------
> p33 -
> missing .
> ------------
>   In web2py if one changes the data model, it
>   automatically and transparently generates
>   and executes SQL to ALTER TABLEs. There
>   is no special command to type like in Rails.
> When do you plan on fixing that? :)
> ------------
> p49
> "Obviously"
> poor form, condescending, etc.
> If it is obvious, don't bother.
> ------------
> p51
> Django - the 'recommended' way to deal with files is to not have  
> django service
> the request, but let apache or whatever web server handle those  
> URLs.  This is
> good, because python seems to be a poor choice for moving 'large'  
> amounts of
> data 'like this.'
> A few weeks ago I tried to use a python bittorrent client on a LAN  
> and noticed
> that python was using 95% cpu and was only getting under 10% of my  
> 100mb
> network.  at least I think this is what was happening.  it was  
> enough to make me
> realize that it is probably a bad idea to try to use python for  
> "this."
> So to me, the way this is presented suggests a problem with  
> web2py.  you do say
> "by default" so I am assuming that it can be easily changed, so I  
> have 0.0 clue
> if it really is a problem, just commenting on the impression I got  
> from the slide.
> ------------
> p55
> missing . at end of each line
> comes with the cherrypy
> missing . cherry.py
> ------------
> A comment on your overall marketing effort: put more emphasis on the
> educational/ low entry/low investment.  I think the choices you are  
> comparing
> against are too complicated and too apples/oranges for your target  
> audience to
> really comprehend and make and educated choice.   It makes me think  
> of being
> given a week to evaluate the various countries space technology and  
> having to
> pick one to get a satellite put in orbit.  heck if I know what is  
> important, so
> I am going to go with whats popular, or comfortable, and all those  
> other Dilbert
> Guide to Management techniques.
> So point out that you have an Orange, and no one else has Oranges;  
> then convince
> the people that need Oranges that they need an Orange, and your  
> Orange becomes
> the obvious choice.
> You may have a better Apple, but you are late in the Apple game, so  
> at a
> disadvantage.
> Carl K
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