[Chicago] web2py 1.20 is out

Daniel Griffin dgriff1 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 17:10:08 CET 2008

Thanks for elaborating on web2py, I am going to work through some of the
tutorials and see for myself.
A few of the frameworks give a little info on legacy data set support. To me
a framework should do the following:

-Set you up for MVC
-Easy database connectivity and ORM
-Simple way to expose those models as forms, lists, etc.
-A template language.
-Ideally some helpers to work with AJAX, routes etc.

The big problem is the lack of easy forms and lists, it seems that there
should be some nice decorator style objects that would let you pop out a
variety of forms, from normal HTML forms to Ext style super forms.

But I am still new at web development(I am a C programmer by day), so I
might be wrong.


On Feb 5, 2008 9:51 AM, Martin Maney <maney at two14.net> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 09:29:33PM -0600, Daniel Griffin wrote:
> > notes. I would really like Prof. Di Pierro's input on this and why he
> went
> > the way he did with web2py.
> For pedagogical purposes, it can be very beneficial to pretend that
> there are only square holes and pegs to match.  <wink>
> > I have been trying to solve a much larger problem than any of these
> > frameworks really prepares me for, namely working with creating a web
> > front-end to a mature piece of enterprise software. Pylons has given me
> the
> > most hope so far, but I think I am still going to end up writing a ton
> of
> > boilerplate code.
> Are there any frameworks that don't pretty much assume you're starting
> from scratch?  I'd say that all of them that I've looked at for more
> than the briefest glance leverage the assumption that the project is
> all new (and needn't consider anyone accessing its data except through
> the app built using the framework) as a hugely simplifying assumption -
> only one shape of holes and pegs, once again.
> --
> Anyone who says you can have a lot of widely dispersed people hack
> away on a complicated piece of code and avoid total anarchy has never
> managed a software project.  -- Andy Tanenbaum
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