[Distutils] patch to change order of -I's in build_ext.py

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 20:53:17 -0400

On 02 April 2000, Les Schaffer said:
> > changes, in hopes that some eager NumPy hacker will keep an eye on
> > the changes in Distutils and be ready to update NumPy's real setup
> > script when the time comes. 
> what do you mean 'real setup script'? i think distutils is it now.

"Real setup script" == the setup script distributed with NumPy, as
opposed to the example NumPy setup script that I maintain (which tends
to be simpler than the real thing, since it's an *example*)

> anyway. i'll try to track the latest distutils for you as i stay with
> the cvs builds of numpy.

Thank you!  You're a brave man --

Greg Ward - just another Python hacker                   gward@python.net
And I wonder ... will Elvis take the place of Jesus in a thousand years?
    -- Dead Kennedys