[Distutils] Setuptools plans?

Jeff Shell eucci.group at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 15:48:06 CET 2007

First: why 0.6c7? Can't we just have a 0.6.0 release? what's holding
that back? That version number just seems doubly immature (sub-1.0 and
"release candidate") and I often wonder what little push is needed to
have a normal 0.6 release.

Is there a roadmap or general plans for setuptools for the coming
year? I have so many frustrations with the tool, but it's also
something that I think I need. So I'd like to get involved if there's
any active development or momentum. Right now, though, it doesn't seem
like there is any of either.

Same thing goes for buildout: any roadmap or plans? What needs to be
done to knock that 'beta' off the end and make a 1.0 release?

Jeff Shell

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