[Distutils] Installing the dependencies in the develop egg setup.py

L. Guruprasad lgp171188 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 21:59:47 CEST 2011

On Thursday 08 September 2011 01:07 AM, Reinout van Rees wrote:
> On 07-09-11 18:47, L. Guruprasad wrote:
>> But now my question is if I have just a develop egg in my buildout.cfg
>> with dependencies listed in setup.py and no other parts/recipes used,
>> buildout will not install the dependencies right?
> In that case, nothing effectively uses the egg. Because buildout
> installs the develop egg, it probably grabs the dependencies just fine.
> But if you don't actually use the egg, you won't see the results
> anywhere. Perhaps just a zc.recipe.egg part?

Supposing I have a develop egg that uses 'recaptcha-client' as a dependency,

My buildout.cfg will look something like:
extensions = mr.developer
auto-checkout = wsb
develop = src/wsb
eggs = wsb
parts =

wsb = hg <path to repo>

and my setup.py will have 'recaptcha-client' in 'install_requires' 
field. The develop egg will need the 'recaptcha-client', but buildout 
doesn't install it with the above configuration. Have I understood 
buildout incorrectly that I am trying something that is also incorrect?

Thanks & Regards,

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