[Edu-sig] Question for Guido van Robot, RUR-PLE and other Karel the robot clone users

Andre Roberge andre.roberge at gmail.com
Fri May 21 18:15:46 CEST 2010

Karel the robot introduced by Pattis in 1981 included a turnoff
instruction.  Since then, every clone seems to include that instruction as

I have never seen a pedagogical reason given for including the turnoff
instruction.  I have yet to see a good example where the use of that
instruction is required...

Karel the robot is used as a mini-language to introduce programming
concepts.  An alternative visual environment is provided by turtle
graphics.  When I look at turtle graphics, there is no turnoff instruction

As I am working on a new rur-ple version, I was wondering if it would not be
preferable to simply drop the turnoff [turn_off() in rur-ple] instruction.

If you use GvR or rur-ple or any other Karel like environment to teach
programming concepts, or if you have used such an environment when you
started learning yourself, I would definitely be interested in hearing your


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