[EuroPython] Python tracks/topics

Tim Couper tim@2wave.net
Fri, 8 Feb 2002 15:15:45 +0000 (GMT)

Marc-Andre wrote 
> I could help organize one of the Python tracks...
> which topics
> are we talking about ? I'd be interested in a web
> services track 
> (even though there is currently one at IPC10, this
> is a hot 
> subject).

The subject certainly would bear a revisit, as I'm
sure that European techies are just as confused about
SOAP and our US counterparts. 

I'd suggest an intro which covered XML-RPC and then
SOAP (differentiating between its XML-RPC
manifestation and its XML wrapping functionality).
Paul Prescod has material which I'm sure could be
reused here. 

I spoke with Mike Olson from 4Suite, who said that he
was considering coming to the conference anyway. He
and Uche did some really good presentations in the Web
Services track, covering the whole XML space,
including, among other things, RDF. Depending on the
experience level of the attendees, we could maybe have
an intro to XML, including SAX and DOM for those who
only know how to spell them. Again, the 4Suite guys
may be good at this.
> Another topic I'd be interested in is "Python and
> Business" --
> this could be a discussion or a lightning talks
> session. The basic
> idea is to talk about problems and solution managers
> and developers
> face in everyday business when dealing with Python
> in project 
> settings, e.g. how to convince a manager to use
> Python instead of
> FooBar in a project, epxerience with various
> business models
> built around Python, etc.

This is the area I'm very interested in, and would be
offer to run this track; whether it is called "Python
and Business" or more like "Python in the Real World".
One of the weaknesses of open source systems is the
almost complete absence of a marketing presence; this
is considered a virtue by many :-). However, it is
clear that the quality or effectiveness of technology
per se does not cause it to be adopted; on the
contrary, it is consumer perception, which is why
companies employ marketing people! 

BTW In this context, I think that Jython can also be a
key entry point; are we planning to have anything on
that topic from a technical perspective?

Anyway, the outcome of this track should be
participants leaving with "models" and greater
understanding of the external world in which
developers and vendors reside, and tools and
strategies which can be practically employed to
further the growth of Python. The lightning talks idea
is a good one, ensuring that contributors are clear
that their talk needs to add to the body of knowledge
about the hows and whys of the adoption (or
non-adoption) of Python/Jython within the
organisation, or the successful routes to sales of
product which have a Python/Jython content, and how
they have had to shape their product presentations to
suit their customers' perspectives. It would be good
to hear Andy Robinson, for instance, on the subject.

This of course assumes that the partipants in the
conference will be interested in more than just the


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