[EuroPython] Re: [EuroPython] I asked Jacob Hall?n how long it would
take to make a non profit society in Sweden.
M.-A. Lemburg
Wed, 20 Feb 2002 17:10:04 +0100
Martijn Faassen wrote:
> Nicolas Chauvat wrote:
> > > That said, one main question remains as to what we're actually founding:
> > >
> > > * an organization dedicated to the organization of EuroPython
> > > *conferences*
> > >
> > > * a more general organization about Python in Europe that happens to
> > > also organize conferences; i.e. a EuroPython Foundation.
> > >
> > > So what do people think is best?
> >
> > KISS + "Overdesign is bad" = let's go for the simplest one, we'll get into
> > the trouble of upgrading it later if need arises :-)
> I'd interpret this as trying for the more general European Python
> organization first, and later on if there's sufficient risk creating other
> organizations particularly in charge of organizing and taking the risk
> for the conferences. So the simplest solution would simply be a
> EuroPython Foundation, sister organization to the Zope one.
Huh ? I think you've got this backwards... simple == organization
dedicated to this conference; complex == European PSF (that's
something for the US-based PSF to setup and worry about,
though). See also my other mail on teh subject.
Again, I believe for the sake of getting the city of Charleroi
into the boat, we'll have to have a Belgium organization with
non-profit status. So somebody from Belgium should seriously
start looking into this... please !
Gee, why is this so complicated ?
Marc-Andre Lemburg
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
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