[EuroPython] Talk database

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 21:10:52 +0200

Michael Hudson wrote:
>>>>Could someone please explain why the talk database is corrupted
>>>>and all the work we've done on it so far gone down the drain ?
>>Thanks :-/
>>Also, why did you start to send out emails to the speakers
>>without asking the track chairmen for their consent ??? The
>>emails you sent out look just completely silly... (do I
>>sound angry enough ?)
> (Please be a little careful slinging "you"s around.  It wasn't me who
> sent the emails, and as far as there is an "organising cabal", you're
> part of it too).

Sorry, didn't mean you personally. I meant those who initiated the
emails before informing the ones who have the direct contact to the
speakers... explaining a mistake by an auto-generated email isn't
exactly what people would expect after you've just cleared out
their submissions !

W/r to constructive suggestions: I've asked for daily backups of
the site several times before, Tom promised to look into adding
them. You could also try to revive the xmlrpc
GetTalks/GetRegistrations scripts we used last year
(I used them last year to at least save those two important
databases in a separate location as backup).

And here's another suggestion: when hacking on the web-site,
please please use a staging system *before* going into production.

Tim an I have tried to recover at least the data from our
track: turned out that the browser had saved a listing with
the titles, so at least that information is not lost.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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EuroPython 2003, Charleroi, Belgium:                        55 days left