[EuroPython] Voting structure on the web

Andrew Smart Andrew.Smart@smart-knowhow.de
Tue, 15 Jul 2003 14:04:42 +0200

europython-admin@python.org wrote:
> At 15:09 2003-07-13 +0200, Andrew Smart wrote:
>> I would like to have some "serious" voting on several EPC topics.
> It seems to me that we need a common understanding rather than
> some kind of majority votes. Premature decisions will just split
> the community, and weaken EuroPython.

First the question should have been: for what kind of votes you are
going to use this voting system?

I think we should have some common understanding who the community
is after all. This would be the first step. Or what kind of "common"
understanding you may get for an unaccountend mass of people which
most of don't participate activily on the list?
Just because the people won't replay doesn't mean they are supporting
the ideas exchanged on the list. 
If some small group here on the list makes the basic decissions there
is also a fair change that it will split the community.

> What would such "votes" mean? Would they just be seen as an
> expression of opinion, or should they be deciding in some way?
> If we "vote" without agreeing on what the consequences of the
> voting will be, the vote won't solve anything.
> Who gets the right to formulate the questions and to decide when
> it's time to vote? Who is bound by these "decisions"? Who is
> responsible for the way things are handled? What ways are there
> to correct problems in the process that answers these questions?
> Some kind of formal organisation with proper bylaws and members
> have a much better way of dealing with questions like this than a
> mailing list. 
> I hope we can agree on a way to create such an organisation.

The problem is to "bootstraping" the whole thing, on either way.

A voting system with some sort of authentication would be a good
tool for any kind of decission making.

My question was: is there a good tool out there?

I didn't say: I want votes on this or that.

My first question would be:
Are you willing to register as a "member of the EPC community"?
If the answer is "yes" then please register on the voting

Then "we" can continue to build up the thing. If someone has
an idea, a proposal etc. it will be discussed between this
people and the community can get involved by asking them.
