[EuroPython] Voting structure on the web
Martijn Faassen
Sat, 19 Jul 2003 01:38:27 +0200
Magnus Lyck=E5 wrote:
> At 00:49 2003-07-17 +0200, Martijn Faassen wrote:
> >This issue is to my mind the more important one. The PBF board
> >in particular and the PBF members (who may have nothing to do
> >with EuroPython as they may be in, say, Australia) will have
> >an influence on the EPC organization that may not be desired.
> But if you look at the current PBF board members, you see a very
> big overlap with EPC people. To me that is a reason not to form
> a second organisation. It's would be a bit like all of us just
> changed hats. PBF and EPC is fairly close to being the same
> people. The PBF general assembly takes place at EPC, and a
> majority of the board members are on this mailing list. All board
> members live in Europe, and Aragne, eGenix, Tim Couper etc are all
> members.
Yes, but it's not in the PBF statutes that it should support Python
in Europe in particular. This is slightly bothersome.
> >Why is nobody proposing we become part of the P*S*F
> Because PSF has much more focus on USA, and much less overlap
> with the EuroPython community?
That's not in the statutes of the PSF either. :)
Any EuroPython organization will have to be explicitly European in
nature. This may work as part of the PBF as I think most of my=20
objections are perceptual and formal in nature, and not so much
that the people won't be able to get along. On the other hand,
these issues may come to bite us eventually. Then again, spinning the
thing off at a later stage remains a possibility.
So I dunno.